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Technology Policy

The District’s goal is to increase student access to digital tools and facilitate immediate access to technology-based information, much the way that students utilize pen and paper. To this end, some schools will allow students to connect privately-owned (personal) telecommunication devices to the District wireless network. Students using personal telecommunication devices must follow the guidelines stated in this document while on school property, attending any school-sponsored activity, or using the SRVUSD network. Internet access is filtered by the District on personal telecommunication devices in the same manner as District-owned equipment. If network access is needed, connection to the filtered, wireless network provided by the District is required.
  • Personally-owned devices are the sole responsibility of the student owner. The campus or District assumes no responsibility for personal telecommunication devices if they are lost, loaned, damaged or stolen, and only limited time or resources will be spent trying to locate stolen or lost items.
  • These devices have educational and monetary value. Students are prohibited from trading or selling these items to other students on District property, including school buses.
  • Each student is responsible for his/her own device: set-up, maintenance, charging, and security. Staff members will not store student devices at any time, nor will any District staff diagnose, repair, or work on a student’s personal telecommunication device.
  • Telecommunication devices will not be used as a factor in grading or assessing student work. Students who do not have access to personal telecommunication devices will be provided with comparable District-owned equipment or given similar assignments that do not require access to electronic devices.
  • Telecommunication devices are only to be used for educational purposes at the direction of a classroom teacher or as stated for specific age groups.
  • Campus administrators and staff members have the right to prohibit use of devices at certain times or during designated activities (i.e. campus presentations, theatrical performances, or guest speakers) that occur during the school day. 
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Through the Digital Citizenship initiative, the San Ramon Valley Unified School District is committed to educating students, staff, and the community on the effective, ethical and safe use of online and digital tools.