School Handbook
To the Panther Community:
Please review this handbook with your student as it serves as a resource to students, families and staff. The handbook is designed to help your student be successful at Los Cerros and contains information regarding school policies, attendance, and support strategies for academic and social success. We encourage families to have rich discussions with their student regarding the benefit of achieving at highest levels in and outside the classroom, exhibiting social behaviors that are positive, and students being engaged throughout the learning process. The complete school handbook, information and calendar can be found on our website.
As we move through the year, should a question or comment arise, please don’t hesitate to ask or talk with a staff member regarding the issue. If there is a question related to a classroom or curriculum, we support student-teacher conversations as they are valuable in the learning process. Our goal is to work together to support our students and thank you for your support throughout the school year.
Andy Briggs
Andy Briggs, Principal
Allison Mulliken, Assistant Principal
Office: (925) 855-6800 Fax: (925)837-3512
Office Hours: 7:30 – 4:00pm
24 hour absence line: (925) 855-6899
- Remember only an adult voice will be accepted
- Mention and spell student’s name,
grade, date and reason for absence - Homework requests can be made my emailing the teacher and asking for the homework that has been missed
To the Panther Community:
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! We are very proud of our Panther traditions, and if you are new to Los Cerros, we welcome you to our great school! At LC, we stand by our Six Pillars: Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Respect, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship (TRRFCC.) Through these pillars, we learn to interact positively with our community, we are open to new ideas, and we do our best in all situations.
The handbook is designed to help our students be successful at Los Cerros, and contains information regarding school policies, attendance, and support strategies for academic and social success. We encourage families to have rich discussions together regarding the benefit of achieving at highest levels in and outside the classroom, exhibiting social behaviors that are positive, and students being engaged throughout the learning process. The complete school handbook, information and calendar can be found on our website.
As we move through the year, should a question or comment arise, please don’t hesitate to ask or talk with a staff member regarding the issue. If there is a question related to a classroom or curriculum, we support student-teacher conversations as they are valuable in the learning process. Our goal is to work together to support our students and thank you for your support throughout the school year.
Andy Briggs
Mission Statement
Los Cerros Middle School’s mission is to inspire and prepare all students to apply the intellectual knowledge learned, skills, and character traits necessary to become creative problem solvers and to achieve personal success as thoughtful citizens who responsibly contribute to our community and digital world.
Being in class, on time and ready to learn, is one of the most important keys to success in school. In the event that a student is absent, a parent should call the 24 hour attendance telephone recording at 925-855-6899. The call must be made BY 9:00AM each day the student is absent. Students are not to call in their own absences. The following information should be included in either the phone message or note:
Being in class, on time and ready to learn, is one of the most important keys to success in school. In the event that a student is absent, a parent should call the 24 hour attendance telephone recording at 925-855-6899. The call must be made BY 9:00AM each day the student is absent. Students are not to call in their own absences. The following information should be included in either the phone message or note:
- Student name
- Date of absence
- Reason for absence
- Name of person calling/relationship with student
Parent or Guardian must come in to the attendance office upon arrival to sign the student in to school. The student will receive an admission slip to go to class. It is not necessary to call the attendance line for a late student.
Parent or Guardian must come in to the attendance office upon arrival to sign the student in to school. The student will receive an admission slip to go to class. It is not necessary to call the attendance line for a late student.
- Students leaving ill during the day first must ask their teacher to be excused, come to the school office and then call home from the sick room. Please do not text parents directly from the classroom.
- Students leaving for a planned appointment may be excused with a note presented to the office before school begins. The note must contain the student’s name, date, time of dismissal, and parent signature. After turning in the note the student will receive a permission to leave grounds slip.
- Students without a parental note must be signed out through the attendance office. STUDENTS MUST NOT LEAVE THE CAMPUS WITHOUT BEING SIGNED OUT IN THE ATTENDANCE OFFICE. (State Law)
If a student feels well enough to do homework assigned the day of the illness, school loop should be checked for missed assignments. Another option is to email the teacher or call a friend in the same class. The teachers will attempt to assemble the assignments and have them into the office by 3:15pm so the work may be picked up the same day as requested. Please do not forget to pick up the requested homework. Requests after 9:00am means the work may not be ready until the next day.
If a student feels well enough to do homework assigned the day of the illness, school loop should be checked for missed assignments. Another option is to email the teacher or call a friend in the same class. The teachers will attempt to assemble the assignments and have them into the office by 3:15pm so the work may be picked up the same day as requested. Please do not forget to pick up the requested homework. Requests after 9:00am means the work may not be ready until the next day.
New state law requires the student must be absent for 5 consecutive school days to be eligible for an Independent Study Contract. The Independent Study Contract process is as follows:
- Parent must request an Independent Study Contract from the attendance office in writing 5 days prior to the absence. Requests made outside that time frame may not be processed.
- Once the written request is received, the parent and student must sign a Master Agreement (obtained from the attendance office) which will be kept on file in the office and is valid for one semester. The contract cannot be given without this agreement.
- All schoolwork is due to the attendance office the morning the student returns to school for full credit.
A cut is defined as five (5) minutes or more of unauthorized time out of class.
Infraction Consequences
1st offense (on campus) ………………………….. Lunch Duty
2nd offense (on campus) ………….……..……….. Lunch Detention
Any off campus cut …...…………………..…….. In School Suspension
Infraction Consequences
Tardy’s 1-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 minute detention
Tardy’s 6-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 minute detention
Tardy’s 11 + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Additional detention, meeting with student & parent, possible in-house suspension
Because of district concerns over safety, unsolicited visitors are not allowed in the classrooms. Parents must deliver all student needs (homework, lunches, binders, PE clothes, etc.) to the school office. Items should be labeled with the student name and grade and placed in the drop off/pick up drawer. A note to the student will be delivered by an office aide for a student to pick up the item during a passing period. Please do not text your student to pick up the item. Please do not deliver items curbside to students.
All visitors and volunteers must first sign in at the school office and pick up a district Pass. Parent participation is encouraged and welcomed at Los Cerros and coordinated by the PTA. School volunteers are at the heart of a vibrant school community, and your willingness to contribute your time and talents helps us to provide the best possible education for our students.
The district Volunteer Management System features a web-based software application that will allow the all schools to better track and provide the appropriate level of clearance for school volunteers. To volunteer in the School District, we ask that you begin the application process by going to the link below. The application will ask you to choose your volunteer role and indicate the school or schools at which you would like to volunteer. After you have completed your application, you will receive an email with your login information and password. You will need to login to the Volunteer Management System to upload any remaining documents and complete the clearance process.
SRVUSD is partnered with Be A Mentor, Inc. for application processing and background screening for new volunteers. The application is online at and click on the tab for Parent Resources and then the Volunteering Page. If you have any questions, please call (510)342-7178 or email
The district Volunteer Management System features a web-based software application that will allow the all schools to better track and provide the appropriate level of clearance for school volunteers. To volunteer in the School District, we ask that you begin the application process by going to the link below. The application will ask you to choose your volunteer role and indicate the school or schools at which you would like to volunteer. After you have completed your application, you will receive an email with your login information and password. You will need to login to the Volunteer Management System to upload any remaining documents and complete the clearance process.
SRVUSD is partnered with Be A Mentor, Inc. for application processing and background screening for new volunteers. The application is online at and click on the tab for Parent Resources and then the Volunteering Page. If you have any questions, please call (510)342-7178 or email
The Los Cerros Web Site is routinely updated and includes an event calendar, news, announcements and links for the library, art projects and registration forms. The current issue of Counselor’s Corner and Panther Press will be emailed out and posted every Monday. The Panther Press newsletter contains important dates, activities on campus and messages from on-campus activity groups, the PTA and Boosters.
The library media center provides numerous resources of books, periodicals, newspapers, and district digital network. The teacher librarian is available to help students find appropriate resources and select literature. Nearly all library materials may be checked out to take home. Students are expected to respect the rights of their fellow students by returning materials on time and in good condition. The library is to be maintained as a quiet, clean area for those needing to use the library resources. The LC library website is
Additional library rules are as follows:
- Students are required to have a pass for entrance to the library during class time.
- No food or drinks are allowed (exception: with teacher permission)
- The library is NOT to be used as a place for social gatherings.
- The cost of replacement is charged for lost or damaged books.
- The librarian may deny library privileges to any student if the student fails to live up to his/her responsibilities in the library.
- Alteration of any library computer will result in computer access restriction.
Textbooks are issued at the beginning of the year. If available, students are given a set for home and a set for school. If you need a third set, please contact the counselor. It is the student’s responsibility to return the books at the end of the school year or when the student leaves the class. Students are responsible for all books checked out to them. If a book is mutilated in any way, or lost, the student will be required to pay the cost of replacement. If a damaged book is issued, the student should bring it to the teacher's attention immediately.
Students are responsible for personal items. If an article is lost, students should check in the following places:
- In their backpack and all of their classrooms;
- at the office for valuables such as eye glasses, jewelry, watches;
- in the multipurpose room for clothing, lost books, binders, lunch bags and backpacks; and
- in the gym locker room for lost P.E. articles.
At the end of each quarter unclaimed items are donated to local charities. Please do not allow students to bring expensive items (ex. phones, watches, jewelry, Air Pods) to school. While the school will assist, as able, in recovering items it is a distraction from the school day and the school has no responsibility for lost or stolen items.
There will be no riding of bikes, skateboards, razor scooters, rollerblades or motorized skateboards on campus. The bike locker area is off limits during school hours except for the time needed by a student to leave or retrieve a bike, skateboard or scooter.
- To avoid head injuries, always wear helmets. Remember, helmets are the law for minors.
- Use bike lanes marked at the edges of roadways.
- Always ride bikes, skateboards and scooters in the same direction that traffic flows.
- Walk your bikes, skateboards and scooters across the street at crosswalk only and walk your bike across driveways.
- Bikes, skateboards and scooters are locked and kept in the bike storage area. No loitering.
- Bikes, skateboards and scooters may never be ridden on campus. The campus includes courtyards, parking lots, driveways, fields, and blacktop areas.
- Students should lock up their bikes, skateboards and scooters every day.
- No cutting in line.
- No handing money to students in front of lines to purchase for them.
- No buying for friends.
- Make sure your eating area is clean before you leave the room.
- Deposit all trash in appropriate recycling and garbage containers.
- Follow the directions of cafeteria supervisors.
- No food or drink (except water) outside of the lunch room.
- Leave by the East door only (classroom side).
Birthdays are special occasions for students. However, to minimize disruption to the educational process we ask that celebrations occur outside of the school day. No outside food including fast food, birthday cakes are to be delivered to the lunchroom or classroom. Please note the following guidelines:
- Clothing, hair style and make-up are to be normal and appropriate.
Is your student's birthday coming up? A birthday message will run on the school's electronic marquee for one day. Due to limited space, only the student's Name, Happy Birthday. Example: Happy Birthday John Smith. All requests must be made one week (7 days) prior to the student's birthday. Please contact Christina Johnson at for a request to have your student's birthday listed on the marquee.
Los Cerros recognizes that all students learn at a different pace and we strive to ensure that every student is successful. To that end, students have several options should they require additional assistance. Please check the Counseling Office and Counselor’s Corner for updates on days and times.
- Peer Tutoring: 7th and 8th grade students will be available once a week from 2:30 – 3:15pm by prior arrangement with the counselor. Tutors and tutees will be required to make a commitment for a semester.
- Tutor list: Should parents choose to pursue outside tutoring for their student we keep a list of local tutors as well as Monte Vista student tutors. LC does not recommend specific tutors.
- Access period to meet with teachers
- Lunch support offered by teachers as needed
- After school homework support from all staff
- Before and after school math help
- One-on-One Academic Counseling: Please contact the counselor for more information.
Additional study halls, study skills, organization and/or test taking skills’ sessions may be offered throughout the year and will be based on funding, staffing and student needs. Please watch the Counselor’s Corner for updates.
Our Los Cerros Counselors are available to work with parents and students on academic, personal/social and career issues. Periodically throughout the year, counselors will be presenting curriculum and conducting activities in the classrooms, and coordinating campus-wide prevention education and awareness programs. The counseling department is an integral part of a team including parents, teachers, school psychologists and administrators. This team is here to provide guidance and counseling to all students in the area of personal/academic, career, decision making and interpersonal skills. The activities are based upon the recognition of the dignity and worth of all students. Please contact the counseling department for any of the following concerns:
· Discussing a student’s special needs
· Early discussion of potential crisis
· Family transitions
· Student/family health concerns
· Parent education
· Home hospital teacher (absences longer than 10 days)
· Grade level transitions
· College & Career Planning
· Digital Citizenship
In the counseling office you will find our career corner, a parent information bulletin board, information about clubs, resources for academic and social support, self-help brochures on homework, test taking and bullying to name a few.
Los Cerros is a safe campus. Your help is needed to keep it that way. Students are expected to:
- Be TRRFCC (Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship) at all times.
- Be responsible for his/her actions.
- Behave with courtesy and respect towards others.
- Do any assigned work neatly and turn it in on time.
- Wear appropriate clothing.
- Take proper care of facilities; pay attention to cleanliness and safe, healthy behavior.
- Using cell phones, game devices, laser pens, cameras, or other electronic devices during school hours unless under the direction of a teacher
- Harassing others verbally or physically
- Threatening students or school personnel
- Vandalizing
- Forging signatures
- Cheating
- Spitting, water playing, rock throwing, gum chewing
- Using inappropriate language
- Gambling
- Dressing inappropriately
- Selling ANY unauthorized item (ex. No selling of candy to students)
- Riding bikes, skateboards, razors, rollerblades or motorized scooter (Razor) on campus
- Loitering in the bike rack area
- Public displays of “over-affection”
- Placing hands or feet on other students for any reason
- Distribution of flyers, invitations, food or beverages without written permission of the administration
At Los Cerros Middle School, we believe that students are here to learn and mature to the best of their ability. Therefore students belong in class or other designated areas to perform tasks in a safe, orderly, and positive environment. Since it is the responsibility of the school to safeguard the health and safety of each student, policies must be established to ensure acceptable standards of behavior. It is our belief that these policies must stem from the people affected by them, (staff, parents, students) and that the disciplinary process necessary for carrying out the policies must be clearly understood and consistently enforced. Further, it is our intent to encourage student responsibility and to change any misbehavior at the lowest possible level.
Therefore, the following disciplinary procedures will be followed at Los Cerros:
Step 1 - Warning: reinforcement of school rules and regulation within the classroom. Possible consequences: discussion, seat change, lunch duty, or detention. If behavior is severe enough then a student may be referred to administration for the first offense.
Step 2 - Teacher contact - notification to parents by phone or discipline notice. Additional consequences: possible referral to administration who may assign other consequences.
Step 3 - Administration contact/notification to parents. Consequences: additional detention, class suspension, conference with parents, school suspension or restricted student activities and possible involvement of law enforcement.
Step 4 Conference with parents. Consequences: student placed on behavior contract, class dropped, suspension, or transfer to alternative program, school expulsion, and possible involvement of law enforcement.
- Generally speaking, when a student repeats a given misbehavior, the penalty increases. When a student is in the office for an offense, they will typically write a statement of their behavior or involvement in a situation. It should be noted that certain offenses or combinations of offenses may lead to expulsion or transfer to an alternative program if other means of correction fail to bring about a change in behavior or if the student's presence on campus constitutes a danger to others. There are some offenses, which are so severe, however, that an immediate penalty is assigned, the student's past record notwithstanding, this may include police contact.
- These policies may also apply if a student’s off campus behavior is negatively impacting the school day.
Board Policy 5131 Conduct
A safe and positive learning environment is essential for the optimum development of each student and for quality education. Schools are expected to provide an orderly, caring, and nondiscriminatory environment in which all students feel comfortable and take pride in their school and in their personal achievements. To achieve this goal, staff is expected to teach students the meaning of equality, human dignity, mutual respect, and to employ learning strategies that foster positive interactions among students from diverse backgrounds. School personnel must prevent and protect against behavior which threatens the safety of individuals or property, or which disrupts learning. School and district personnel shall model positive behavior and attitudes that are respectful of all individuals.
The District’s Board of Education has adopted a policy mandating that parents sign an agreement allowing their children to access the Internet at school. By signing this agreement on Parent Portal at Registration, you signify agreement to the terms of the Student Acceptable Use Policy for District Digital Networks and that you agree to allow your child to access the District Network, and through it, the Internet, using the District’s Network, computers, and facilities, for as long as your child is a student at the school or until you rescind this agreement by writing to the school. The use of the Network and access to the Internet is a privilege, not a right. If students use the Network inappropriately, or if a District or school staff member suspects that students have done so, all access privileges may be suspended or revoked at any time. Reinstatement of access privileges shall be at the discretion of District or school administration. Use of the District Network should not be regarded as private. District staff may monitor communications and use of the Network, and may inspect files on district devices at any time.
The San Ramon Valley Unified School District is committed to protecting students and staff members and preventing discrimination on our campuses. SRVUSD believes that our students have the right to be free of bullying, intimidation and harassment while on any of our campuses or associated with any school/district related activity. In accordance with these beliefs and commitments, SRVUSD has adopted Board Policy 5145.3.
All students, employees, parents and community members should report incidents of suspected bullying immediately. If you witness or suspect bullying, please complete the form available on the district website and immediately forward to the school principal. An investigation will be conducted to determine if bullying occurred and corrective action needed.
Bullying is defined as physical, verbal, nonverbal or written conduct that is so severe and pervasive that if affects a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from an education program or activity; creates an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive educational environment; has the effect of substantially or unreasonably interfering with a student’s academic performance; or otherwise adversely affects a student’s educational opportunities.
Cyber Bullying is the use of electronic information and communication devices to willfully and repeatedly harm either a person or persons through the medium of electronic text, photos, or videos. Examples of this behavior include but are not limited to:
- Sending/posting false, cruel, hurtful or vicious messages/comments
- Creating posts/photos that have stories, cartoons, pictures, and jokes ridiculing others.
- Creating a credible impersonation of a student with ill intent.
- Creating a false profile with ill intent.
- Creating a burn page to lampoon or ridicule an individual.
- Breaking into another student’s account and sending vicious or embarrassing material to others.
- Engaging someone in electronic communication, tricking that person into revealing sensitive personal information and forwarding that information to others.
- Posting of a student picture without permission.
This behavior creates a hostile, disruptive environment on the school campus and is a violation of the student’s and staff member’s right to be safe and secure. Actions deliberately threatening, harassing, intimidating an individual or group of individuals, placing an individual in reasonable fear of harm or damaging the individual’s property; or disrupting the orderly operation of the school, will not be tolerated.
Parents please do not ask your student to leave their phone on during the school day for any reason. The main school phone 925 855-6800 may be used to deliver messages to students. There is a dedicated phone in the school office for student use. Your support on this issue is crucial.
Earbuds, headphones, airpods should be off and put away unless the student has permission from the teacher.
SRVUSD Policy on Possession of Cell Phones at School:
Possession of cellular phones or other electronic devices by a student, at school, is a privilege, which may be forfeited by any student who fails to abide by the pertinent district or school rules that pertain to the possession /use of such devices. Cellular phones or other devices are only allowed to be used for instructional purposes under the direct supervision of a classroom teacher. Otherwise, cellular phones or other electronic devices are not to be used, heard or seen during the school day, which includes both in-class instructional time as well as non-structured times such as lunch, break & passing period. If phones are visible or audible at any point of the school day, they will be taken and held for parent pick-up after school. Repeat violations will result in progressive disciplinary consequences.
Smart watches should only be used to tell time and not for communication with others. The same consequences will apply for violations to this policy.
The District/school shall not be responsible for the loss of or damage to cellular phones or other electronic devices brought onto campus.
The fundamental principles behind these policies are that students should never do anything that harms another student or prevents them from learning. Any use of technological media that interrupts with a student’s right to learn will not be tolerated. Electronic media includes, but is not limited to: social networking sites, chat rooms and discussion groups, instant messaging, text messaging, computers, cell phones and personal digital devices, digital cameras, cell phone cameras, and web cams. As new technologies emerge, they too may be included with the above forms of electronic communication. Examples of this behavior include but are not limited to:
- Sending, sharing, viewing, or possessing pictures, text messages, emails, or other material of sexually explicit, graphic, or disruptive nature on any device is prohibited on a school campus.
- If the conduct occurs off school grounds and causes or threatens to cause a substantial disruption at school or interferes with the rights of students or school staff to be secure, school administration may impose consequences. The Administration may also report the Cyber Bullying or Harassment to the police.
Education Codes 48900.4 and 48900 (r), strictly prohibit harassment or bullying of any kind and such behavior is subject to consequences, including possible expulsion.
- Sexually explicit material that is transmitted electronically will result in parents and/or police being notified, and that material may be reported as suspected child abuse or neglect.
- All students involved in the transmission and/ or possession of such images or text may be disciplined under California Education Code 48900 (i): Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
- If reasonable suspicion exists that a student has been involved in possessing or transmitting such material, the electronic device involved may be confiscated and searched by school officials.
- The transmission of such material involving another student may be punished under California Education Code 48900 (r): Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (g) of Section 32261, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel.
- Additionally, Education Code 48900 (k) states that any disruption of school activities or otherwise willful defiance of the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties can also lead to suspension
*** Education Codes 48900.4 “Harassment, threats, or intimidation creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment”
***Education Code 48900 (k) “Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties”
***Education Code 48900 (i) “Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity
*** Education Code 48900 (r) “Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to bullying committed by means of an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (k) of Section 32261, directed specifically toward a pupil or school personnel”
Any student who receives such an image or message against their will should:
- Inform a school official and parents immediately.
- Save the evidence.
- Print the online harassing text/image if possible.
- Identify the Bully if possible.
- Clearly tell the Bully to stop.
- Ignore the bully by leaving the online environment and/or blocking communications.
- File a complaint with the Internet or Cell Phone Company and school administrators.
- Contact the Bully’s parents if appropriate.
- Contact the police if desired.
In accordance with Assembly Bill 537, the “Dignity for all Students Act” and Board policies regarding grounds for suspensions (5144.1), the Los Cerros staff believes that every student has the right to be free from harassment from adults and/or from other students. Harassment generally refers to acts of or the perception of physical, verbal, visual, or psychological harassment, which is pervasive and creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning atmosphere. Possible consequences may include parent or student conference, issuance of harassment notice, detention, or suspension depending on the gravity and/or frequency of the behavior.
It is the policy of the Governing Board of the San Ramon Valley Unified School District to provide an educational and work environment free of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct or communications constituting sexual harassment, as defined by Education Code 212.5 and otherwise prohibited by state and federal statutes.
Prohibited sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational setting, under any of the following conditions (Education Code 212.5):
a. Submission to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or a condition of an individual's employment, academic status, or progress.
b. Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of employment or academic decisions affecting the individual.
c. The conduct has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact upon the individual's work or academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or educational environment.
d. Submission to, or rejection of the conduct by the individual is used as the basis for any decision affecting the individual regarding benefits and services, honors, programs, or activities available at or through the educational institution.
Other types of conduct which are prohibited in the district and which may constitute sexual harassment include:
Verbal or written conduct: making derogatory comments, including epithets, slurs, jokes, etc.; sexual propositions or flirtations, graphic commentary about an individual's body; sexually degrading words used to describe an individual; suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations; spreading sexual rumors.
Visual conduct: leering; making sexual gestures; displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, books, magazines, etc.
Physical conduct: inappropriate touching or impeding one's movement.
Every student, employee or applicant has the right to be free from harassment from adults and/or from students in the work or educational setting. The district prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant or any participant in the complaint process. Each complaint of sexual harassment shall be promptly investigated in a way that respects the privacy of all parties concerned.
A copy of this policy on sexual harassment shall be l) displayed in a prominent location at school sites and work sites, 2) provided as part of the orientation for new students at the beginning of each term as applicable, 3) provided for employees annually at the beginning of the school year and for each new employee, and 4) included in publications that set forth the comprehensive rules, procedures and standards of conduct of the school or district. In-service regarding this policy and administrative procedure will be provided to all staff periodically as appropriate and annual review will be encouraged as part of student and staff orientation activities.
Complaint Procedure:
Step I - Informal Resolution
It is desirable that problems and complaints of alleged sexual harassment be resolved promptly and equitably. If possible, such problems and complaints should be resolved in an informal manner. Students and employees are encouraged, but not required, to inform the offender directly that his/her conduct is unwelcome or offensive and must stop.
Step II: Verbal or Written Complaint:
Students should follow complaint procedures designated in Administrative Regulation 5145.7, Sexual Harassment:
Students: A student should initiate a complaint to a teacher or administrator verbally or in written form. The complaint should include information regarding the name(s) of the person(s) who engaged in offensive conduct, the description of the offensive conduct (i.e. when and where the conduct occurred, the number of times it occurred, any informal attempts at resolution), and the names of any witnesses. Administrative Regulation 5145.7 may be obtained from the school principal or the Superintendent.
Employees or applicants for employment who feel that they have been sexually harassed should contact their supervisor, principal, other district administrator or the Superintendent in order to obtain procedures for reporting a complaint. Complaints of sexual harassment against a district employee may be filed in accordance with AR 1312, Complaints Against School Personnel. Complaints alleging that a specific action, procedure or practice sexually discriminates can be filed in accordance with AR 4031, Complaints Concerning Discrimination in Employment.
Any supervisor who receives a sexual harassment complaint shall notify the Superintendent or designee, who shall ensure uniform application of this policy and that the complaint is appropriately investigated.
Board Policy adopted: September 22, 1998 San Ramon Valley Unified School District
San Ramon Valley Unified School District Notice of Compliance with Federal Regulations
The District follows uniform complaint procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply with state or federal law in adult basic education, consolidated categorical aid programs, vocational education, child nutrition programs and special education programs. The District is committed to equal opportunity for all individuals in education. District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, race, ancestry, color, disability or any other unlawful consideration. The District promotes programs which ensure that discriminatory practices are eliminated in all District activities. The Governing board recognizes that the District has primary responsibility for insuring that it complies with state and federal laws and regulation governing educational programs.
No later than six months from the date of the alleged discrimination, the District investigates and seeks to resolve complaint at the local level. If the complaints cannot be resolved at the school level, the following compliance offers and the Title IX Coordinator has been designated to receive and investigate complaints to ensure District compliance with law:
Assistant Superintendent San Ramon Valley Unified School District
699 Old Orchard Drive, Danville, CA 94526 Ph: (925) 552-2293 Fax: (925) 820-8106
The District prohibits retaliation in any form for the filing of a complaint, the reporting of instances of discrimination, or for participation in the complaint, the reporting of instances of discrimination, or for participation in the complaint procedures. Discrimination complaints shall be investigated in a manner that protects the confidentiality of the parties and the fact. Within sixty (60) days from receipt of a complaint, the District will complete a mediation/investigation and prepare a written decision. A complainant may appeal a District decision to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction within fifteen (15) days of receiving the District decision. The District Uniform Complaint Procedure is governed by Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 1312.3. A copy of this policy and regulations may be obtained from the school principal or the above named compliance officer. Nothing in District procedures precludes a complainant from pursuant available civil law remedies, such as mediation centers, public/private interest groups and/or attorneys, etc. For discrimination complainants, however, a complainant must wait until sixty (60) days from the filing of an appeal with the California Department of Education before pursuing civil law remedies.
- A student whose dress/attire is deemed inappropriate for school will be asked to change into their PE uniform. Inappropriate clothing is defined as anything that can be a distraction to the learning environment
- The following appearance code requirements are to be followed:
- Per Education Code, students are required to wear appropriate and safe footwear at all times - no high heels.
- Sunglasses shall not be worn in class unless deemed necessary by a doctor. Sun protective clothing/hats are permissible when worn in a sun protective manner and while outdoors.
- All clothing shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times.
- Off the shoulder tops, tube tops, halter tops, or razor-back shirts are not standalone clothing items and should not be worn.
- Tank tops may be worn without an over or undershirt but they must have straps. Neither midriff nor undergarments may be exposed at any time.
- Skirts/dresses with slits and pajamas are not permitted.
- Baggy pants must be cinched up with a belt so that underwear cannot be seen.
- Clothing and jewelry shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane, or sexually suggestive or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice, gang identity or the use of drugs or alcohol.
- Any jewelry that could be a safety issue (earrings with daggers, spiked arm bands, etc.) are deemed inappropriate for school.
Cheating will not be tolerated in any form. The first incident of classroom cheating will be handled by the individual teacher’s policy and result minimally in a zero on the work and a parent phone call. If a student cheats more than once or facilitates cheating by others they will be subject to disciplinary actions by the administration. Cheating on state tests (CAASPP) will result in automatic suspension.
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Plagiarism - copying from another source (print or electronic);
- Copying another student’s work or allowing others to copy;
- Obtaining information in any manner not directed by the teacher during a testing situation;
- Representing another’s work as your own;
- Using a cell phone during testing periods; and
- Use of any cell phone with text or picture taking capabilities during a test will result in an automatic zero.
The following document titled “Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion” outlines offenses that could lead to suspensions, expulsions, or police involvement and probable consequences for each offense.
Additional Grounds:
Any of the above may be referred to a law enforcement agency.
*The principal or designee must notify law enforcement personnel of these offenses. |
HAZING -- The bill amends Education Code section 48900 by adding “hazing” to the list of offenses that are grounds for a student’s suspension or recommended expulsion. It expands the definition of hazing in Education Code section 32050 to “include any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body” or activity associated with “these organizations which causes, or is likely to cause, bodily danger, physical harm or personal degradation or disgrace.”
DETENTION -- Detention shall be limited to one hour on school days and four hours on non-school days. A parent/guardian of the student to be detained must be notified at least twenty hours prior to the beginning of the detention. Saturday School attendance for discipline is at the election of the student or, in the case of a minor, the parent/guardian. (E.C. 37223)
SUSPENSION -- Suspension is a disciplinary action that means removal of a student from ongoing instruction for a period of time not to exceed five (5) consecutive school days. Suspension by an administrator shall be preceded by a conference between the administrator and the student unless an emergency situation to be determined by the principal or designee exists. A student's parent/guardian shall be notified in writing of the suspension. Although the district is not required to hold a conference with the parent/guardian, the parent/guardian is required to attend such a conference when so requested by the district. A pupil may not be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated unless that act is related to school activity or school attendance occurring within a school under the jurisdiction of the superintendent or principal or occurring within any other school district. A pupil may be suspended or expelled for acts which are enumerated in this section and related to school activity or attendance that occur at any time, including but not limited to, any of the following: 1) While on school grounds; 2) While going to or coming from school; 3) During the lunch period, whether on or off the campus; 4) During, or while going to or coming from, a school sponsored activity. (E.C. 48900 (p) At the discretion of the school administration, a student may receive “in house” suspension, serving the term of suspension on campus under the supervision of school staff (E.C. 48911.1)
EXPULSION -- Expulsion means the removal of a student from enrollment in a school or the district as ordered by the Board of Education. Expulsion may be ordered for any of the acts listed under Grounds for Suspension and Expulsion when other means of correction have failed to bring about proper conduct, or when a student's presence causes continuing danger to other students. As defined in Ed Code 48915 (c), possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing a firearm, brandishing a knife at another person, unlawfully selling a controlled substance, committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing a sexual battery, or possession of any explosives, requires the principal to recommend expulsion. The length of expulsion for any of these offenses shall be one year. Parents of an expelled student are required to notify the receiving district that the student has been expelled.