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PTA Association Meeting Dates 2023-24

PTA Association Meeting Dates 2023-24

September 21 @ 7 pm


November 16 @ 9 am


January 18 @ 9 am


March 21 @ 9 am


April 18 @ 9 am


May 23 @ 9 am




Get involved and join PTA by clicking HERE.   


Please register for our new email list by clicking HERE.


Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
  • Facebook: Los Cerros Middle School Parent Community
  • Instagram: @lcms_parentcommunity
  • Twitter: @LCMS_PTA


2023-2024 PTA

2023-2024 PTA

President - Maureen Buttery
Executive VP - Lisa Faulkner
Treasurer - Jason Powell
Financial Secretary - Erin Tulley
Secretary - Jennifer Silver
Membership - Teri Eisenhauer
Communications VP - Brenna Lewis
Auditor - Jen Noia
Parliamentarian - Shraddha Navali Patil
Historian - Jamie Gardea
Committee Chairs
Basket Brigade - Heather Plumb, Melody Johnson, Kimberly Bryant
Diversity - Jen Silver
Health and Wellness - Colette Davis
Hospitality - Jamie Gardea
Legislature - Amanda Butland
Parent Education - Nidhi Jain
8th  Grade Promotion Party - Brittany Smith
Reflections - Tara Charley
Run for Education - Zeehan Rastam
Sister School - Jennifer Medeiros
Staff Appreciation - Elizabeth Weiss & Allison Boitano


Welcome to Los Cerros Middle School PTA!

Welcome to Los Cerros Middle School PTA!

What is PTA’s role in my student’s education?
PTA’s mission is “to positively impact the lives of all children and families.”  We work with teachers, administrators, community members, the school district, and of course, our students, to further their education and improve their physical and mental well-being. 
What does PTA do at Los Cerros? 
Los Cerros Middle School’s PTA supports a number of programs including: 
  • Basket Brigade
  • Family Engagement events
  • Hospitality for teacher & staff appreciation events 
  • Sister School - Sun Terrace Stem Magnet Elementary School in Concord
  • Reflections Art Program
  • Red Ribbon Week 
  • Words Matter Week 
  • 8th Grade Promotion, and more!
2024-2025 PTA Executive Board 

2024-2025 PTA Executive Board 

President Kristin Wolff
Executive VP Lisa Faulkner
Secretary Jennifer Silver
Treasurer Jason Powell
Financial Secretary Lara Forbes
Membership Erin Ragland
Auditor Erin Tulley
Communications VP Stephanie Moustirats
Parliamentarian Jamie Gardea
Historian Teri Eisenhauer
2024 - 2025 PTA Committee Chairs

2024 - 2025 PTA Committee Chairs

Basket Brigade* Heather Plumb, Melody Johnson
Diversity Jen Silver
Parent Education Nidhi Jain
Health & Wellness Colette Davis
Hospitality OPEN
Legislature Amanda Butland
8th Grade Promotion Party Brittany Smith & Maureen Buttery
Reflections Tara Charley
Run For Education OPEN
Sister School Raj Rakkar
Exceptional Education Danna Pomeroy
Staff Appreciation Elizabeth Weiss & Allison Boitano
Lorena DeLuca
*Looking for interested parents to shadow in 2024 and chair in 2025

29th Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive


How can you help?  Check out the three options below (shopping list, Amazon order or direct donation).  $25 Safeway giftcards are the most impactful, both in terms of pizza points and what is needed most.
BB Shopping LIst
Amazon logo
Order here on Amazon for delivery to Los Cerros - make sure to specify your Child's Name and Homeroom teacher for Pizza Party Points.  Best option for kids taking the bus!
Donate to Basket Brigade
Don't have time to buy groceries or gift cards, no worries! Donate Now  
BB Collection 11.13
BB Teacher Leader Board 11.13
Each fall, the students, families, community and staff of Los Cerros Middle School work together to accomplish a very special project called The Basket Brigade. This project supplies all the fixings for a Thanksgiving meal and delivers to underprivileged families throughout the East Bay. It is a wonderful way to help our children give back to their community. The Friday before Thanksgiving, all  baskets will be delivered by our parents to local shelters for families suffering from domestic violence and homelessness and local organizations providing help to low-income families. These shelters and organizations are located in Concord, Martinez and Livermore. Last year, we delivered 325 baskets!  
Food Drive - 11/2-11/9
Produce Bagging - 11/15
Basket Assembly - 11/16
Basket Delivery - 11/17
The Basket Brigade Food Drive runs 11/2-11/9.  Look for the Basket Brigade collection carts as the students are arriving at school.  Please help by donating the following items.  See a printable shopping list in the documents section on the left.
  • $25 Safeway gift card (make sure that it is for exactly $25.00 please)
  • canned corn
  • canned green beans
  • chicken broth
  • canned turkey gravy (no glass jars please)
  • boxed mashed potatoes
  • boxed stuffing mix
  • cornbread mix
  • cranberry sauce (no glass jars please)
We also need parent volunteers to help collect the Food Drive items each day.
The fresh produce for the baskets is donated by a local produce wholesaler, The Produce Exchange in Livermore.  The potatoes and carrots already come in bags but the celery, onions, apples and oranges must be put into plastic bags to be ready to go in the baskets the next day.  Students and parents are invited to help.  This will be Wednesday, 11/15.  
After school on Thursday, 11/16, students and parents are invited to help with the basket assembly.  All the items are set up assembly line style in the MPR.  Students start at the beginning with an empty bag and go through the line, picking up one of each item.  This is a very fast and fun event! When finished, the MPR floor is covered with fully loaded food bags.  We need parent volunteers to help with the setup of all the items on the assembly line and then to supervise as the students go through the line.
On Friday morning, 11/17, all  bags are delivered by parent volunteer drivers to the receiving shelters, food banks, and community service organizations in Livermore, Concord and Martinez.  We need parent drivers with cars that can hold about 10 - 15 large Costco size reusable bags.  It’s a great opportunity to see where our donations go.  
Questions:  Please email
Chairs:  Heather Plumb, Melody Johnson, Kimberly Bryant
Kids with basket brigade bags
As a member of California State PTA, you advocate for children, promote parent and family involvement in schools, and improve the lives of all children and families. Here are a few extra perks of membership available exclusively to PTA members like you!  
Thank you for your donation to the Los Cerros Middle School PTA! You are helping improve the lives of our children and our community. If the PTA receives more funds than are needed for a particular project or event, or if there is an area of greater need, the PTA may reallocate donations to provide the best support and care to our children, parents, and teachers. Thank you for your support!
Full benefit details are available at  PTA &
Please use this link to read the SRV Council PTA Statement on Inclusive Event Planning
***Member Cards are available in the Los Cerros Office