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Counselor's Corner


LCMS Counselor's Corner 

LCMS Counselor's Corner 2/17/2025
Spring scheduling dates (current 6th & 7th graders) are as follows. The slide deck used will be posted in 7th grade science and 6th grade core teacher's google classroom by the end of the day of presentation. There is nothing parents/students need to do now.

3/17/25 6th graders will receive information on elective choices for 7th grade. Google form selections and online scheduling will be due 3/24/25
3/19/25 7th graders will receive information on elective choices for 8th grade. Google form selections and online scheduling will be due 3/25/25
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. John F. Kennedy
8th grade parents/guardians
  • In August of 2024, middle school families received information about California Assembly Bill (AB) 101, which mandates that students entering high school in fall 2025 and beyond complete an Ethnic Studies course as part of their graduation requirements. Your 8th grade student will see this one-semester course listed during their high school course selection process this spring. 
  • Please continue to email Mrs. Mahoney with high school questions/concerns, NOT the high school counselors. She is still your student's counselor and the high school counselors are busy helping students graduate.
  • Acceleration/advancement – Please see this SRVUSD link for details (updated in February). Please note that any class(es) taken for acceleration/advancement can NOT be completed BEFORE the last day of 8th grade.
  • The intra district transfer request window is open 12/15-2/15/25. The request form can be found here
  • High School & Beyond curriculum taught by Mrs. Mahoney in PE 2/24 and 3/3 (interest inventories and post secondary options, and draft 4 year plans). The presentation will be sent home on 2/24
  • MVHS Freshman panel will be on 3/7. 8th graders will have the opportunity to hear from MVHS students and ask questions.
  • Parent Ally Night - Wednesday, February 26 from 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Monte Vista library. Details here
  • MVHS freshman orientation (students MUST attend with parents/guardian) 3/3, 4:30pm-6:40pm. Details here.  Cal High dates TBD. SRHS is 2/24, 5-7:30pm in person. Details here
  • March 24th - MVHS counselors will be meeting with 8th grade students during science to review their course selections
  • MV Cheer and Pom 2025-26 Tryouts April 28-May 1.  Interested in trying out for cheer or pom? Our tryout information meeting is Wed. March 12th, 2025 at 6pm in the MV library. Complete this form to join our communications list! Tryout Paperwork is due Monday April 14th. All details will be reviewed at the Info meeting mentioned above. Clinics for both cheer and pom are Monday and Tuesday April 28th and 29th from 7-9pm in the small gym. Wednesday, April 30th - Official Cheer Tryouts 3:45 p.m. (for all), Small GymThursday, May 1 - Official Pom Tryouts Times dependent on group sign-up, Small Gym
  • If you are beginning the application process for a private high school, please notify the Counseling department once your student has been accepted, so we can ensure his/her/their cumulative file is sent to the appropriate school.
We still have peer tutors available if your student would like one on one tutoring on Wednesdays from 2:30pm-3:30pm.  Please see Mrs. Mahoney for a tutoring contract.
MVHS peer tutors are now available by scanning the QR code here. You will specify virtual or in person once you have identified a tutor.
TECH TIP (compliments of
Social Media Issues for Kids Shaping Up to Be ‘Unpredictable’ in 2025
"HANDLE WITH CARE" - if your family is experiencing difficulty at home, we would like to provide additional supports at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that's ok. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning or weekend, please text "Handle with Care" to 925-272-9639. Nothing else will be said or asked. This will let us know that your child may need extra time, patience or help during the day.
We would like to extend an invitation for you to share any transitions your family may be going through with our Counselors. While we respect your privacy, oftentimes students can be distracted and unable to learn when they are worried or anxious. All information is kept strictly confidential.
PARENTING TIP (compliments of
How to Help Kids Who Are Lonely
Our 19th annual Career Fair is Friday, 4/25/25.  If you have a career you would like to share with our students and/or would like to volunteer, please fill in this brief form. Our College of the Week is UC Davis. Your student(s) can stop by the bulletin board in the library or see Mrs. Mahoney for more information. 
ADD/ADHD Parenting (compliments of
How Tae Kwon Do Saved My Daughter