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Academic Intervention




Los Cerros - Weekly Academic Assistance 
Students should always email their teachers with questions or concerns 
Library- The library is OPEN! We are open 15 minutes before and after school and during lunch. Students are encouraged to read often and set realistic reading goals to help increase their pages per week and reading stamina. Students can reach out to Mrs. Peters for any research and/or book needs. One-on-one assistance will also be available through student support time during units when library and classroom teachers collaborate. 
Student support –Students may see any of their teachers during this time. Please make sure to sign up S-T for Wednesday and Friday. It is recommended that students use at least 1 student support for academics.
LCMS Peer tutoring- one on one tutoring on Mondays from 3:15 pm -4:00 pm in the MPR pre-arranged with Mrs. Mahoney. Contracts are available in the counseling office and students must make a commitment for the semester.
MVHS tutors - students/families can arrange tutoring with a MVHS student (virtual or in person) through
Wednesday morning drop in math help 8a-9am - coming soon!
Friday morning drop in homework help 8-9am - coming soon!
For parents: Weekly academic Monitoring 
Schoology- parents and students may access grades, assignments and progress reports online. 
Weekly progress reports- parents may request this form to be completed by each of the student’s teachers on Friday and will provide the parent and student information regarding the student’s current  grade, work/study habits and in class behavior. 
Planner- Students are to use the planner to record daily assignments as well as in/out of school  activities. During remote learning we recommend students continue to use their planner rather than  relying on schoology to track assignments. 
Planner checks - parents/students may request that Mrs. Mahoney/Counseling office check their planners during the week where appropriate. Please contact Mrs. Mahoney