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Science 6 
The focus of sixth grade science is Earth science in accordance with California science content standards. Included in this curriculum are the earth’s structures, plate tectonics, the shaping of the earth’s surface and energy in the earth’s system. In the study of plate tectonics and earth structure, students learn that plate tectonics accounts for important features of the earth’s surface and major geologic events. Student study many phenomena on the earth’s surface and in the atmosphere that are affected by the transfer of energy through radiation and convection currents. Physical science is integrated through the study of the flow of heat energy. Life science is integrated through the study of ecosystems. 
Science 7 
The focus of seventh grade science is life science in accordance with California science content standards. Included in this curriculum are cell biology, genetics, evolution and structure and function of living things. Also included are earth and life history and physical principles of living systems. In their study of cell biology, students will learn cell structure and function. 
Science 8 
The focus of eighth grade science is physical science in accordance with California science content standards. This course covers units including chemistry, physics, astronomy, and individual investigation and experimentation. Basic problem solving skills, scientific inquiry and the use of general laboratory equipment will be emphasized.