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Click here to view the California State Math Standards. All courses will have a strong emphasis on having the students demonstrate the Standards for Mathematical Practice. Click  for the District’s Math Pathways for middle and high school students.
Course 1 Math
A rigorous grade-level course designed to provide students with a strong mathematical foundation to meet 6th Grade California State Math Standards. Areas of focus include (1) connecting ratio and rate to whole number multiplication and division and using concepts of ratio and rate to solve problems; (2) completing understanding of division of fractions and extending the notion of number to the system of rational numbers, which includes negative numbers; (3) writing, interpreting, and using expressions and equations; and (4) developing understanding of statistical thinking.
Course 2 Math
Course 2 math is the on grade-level math course and prepares students to take future higher level math courses. Students will not only learn the math standards but will continue to develop higher order thinking skills and build fluency around the 8 mathematical practices. This course covers all of the 7th grade California State Math Standards. The topics addressed in this course are: • ratios and proportional reasoning • percentages • integers • rational numbers • expressions • equations and inequalities • geometric figures • area and volume • probability • statistics • performance tasks to develop higher order thinking skills • development of the “8 mathematical practices”
Course 3 Math
This course is for students who have completed Course 2 math. Course 3 math is the on grade-level math course and prepares students to take future higher level math courses. Students will not only learn the math standards but will continue to develop higher order thinking skills and build fluency around the 8 mathematical practices. This course covers all of the 8th grade California State Math Standards. The topics addressed in this course are: • real numbers • equations in one variable • equations in two variables • functions • triangles and the Pythagorean theorem • transformations • congruence and similarity • volume and surface area • scatter plots • data analysis • performance tasks to develop higher order thinking skills • development of the “8 mathematical practices” Successful completion of this course will prepare students to take Algebra 1 in 9th grade.
Accelerated Algebra 1
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Accelerated Common Core 7 This course is for students who have successfully completed Course 2/3 math.
Accelerated Algebra 1 is the second course of a two-year accelerated math program. This fast paced course encompasses 100% of the high school Algebra 1 standards and 40% of the 8th grade standards. Successful students in this course are self-motivated, mathematically prepared, and demonstrate perseverance in solving complex problems. Students are expected to work at both a high level and, due to the fast pacing of this course, learn new concepts on the first exposure. Finally, the newly adopted SRVUSD homework policy does not apply to middle school accelerated math courses. Successful completion will result in placement in Geometry. (NOTE: Students who do not earn a C or better at the end of the semester will be placed in the appropriate on-grade level class.)