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World Languages
Grades: 7-8
These two middle school courses are designed to introduce the student to everyday communication skills in a world language and culture. The 1A and 1B courses together are equivalent to the first year of high school world language.
World Language 1A - Yearlong (Spanish)
Grade: 7
It is strongly recommended that students who wish to take World Language 1A are achieving at least a B- in their 6th grade core class and/or teacher recommendation. In this course, students will be introduced to the World Language and culture using a communicative approach. Students will learn a World Language through a variety of formats, for example: reading, writing, speaking, listening, singing, playing games, performing skits, watching videos, doing projects, and experiencing cultural activities. Please be advised that this is an academic elective and students will have quizzes, exams, and daily homework. Promotion to World Language 1B will be open to students with a B- or above and/or teacher recommendation.
World Language 1B - Yearlong (Spanish)
This course is the second of a two-year middle school program. World Language 1B is open to students with a B- or above in World Language 1A and/or teacher recommendation. In this course, students will build upon prior knowledge of the World Language and World Language culture using a communicative approach. Students will continue to learn a World Language through a variety of formats, for example: reading, writing, speaking, listening, singing, playing games, performing skits, watching videos, doing projects, and experiencing cultural activities. Please be advised that this is an academic elective and students will have quizzes, exams, and daily homework. Promotion to World Language 2 in high school will be open to students with a B- or above and/or teacher recommendation.